Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Why I Love The People I Love...Part IV

I have a very fond memory of being three years old, and seeing my dad in our back yard working so diligently to build my sisters and I our very own tree house. I actually remember him helping me up the's probably my earliest childhood memory. My dad has helped me up the ladder more than once in my life. I was really interested in this really hot guy at 16, and I knew my parents would not approve, so he and I would sneak and write letters. But being that my dad is the type to help me climb the ladder to the tree house, he opened my mail while I was gone one day and read all the juicy details hidden inside. Was I mad? Surprisingly no. I have always really respected my dad and the advice he gives me. And I loved him for caring about me. I think we as parents tend to be too hard on ourselves, spending too much time feeling guilt for what we've done or said that shouldn't have been done or said. I do this all the time. I should have "I'm A Guilty Mother" written all over my forehead. And not because I'm a bad mom, but because I am TOO hard on myself.

I have always been a somewhat fearful person, and the thoughts of losing a loved one has haunted me on a regular basis since I was about 7. I remember several times being petrified that my mom would die. Gosh, I love this woman so much! My mom is the perfect example of a parent who is too hard on themselves. I remind her regularly that she was and still is a wonderful mother! She taught me to pray for answers when I don 't know what to do. She is a woman of FAITH! My mom instilled in me that there is a higher being, and we don't have to live through this crazy world alone! Oh and she really is beautiful...

I love my parents because they did the very best they could in giving me a wonderful life, and they succeeded.