Thursday, April 28, 2011

Let's do this!

Right now I feel like a little girl at Christmas. My 1/2 marathon race in Eugene, is in 3more days, and I am pumped and excited...okay, a little scared out of my mind but for me that's normal. I have everything packed and ready to go, and now I am doing the countdown. This is a race I actually feel I prepared for. I have been running for over a year now, and I have been training to be faster, (not that fast) but fast for me. I have been drinking gobs of water and peeing my head off, and I have even been eating good this past week. I haven't had any chocolate which is a miracle for me. I have even been making myself get the sleep I need. I am ready, and no matter what my pace ends up being I will be happy to have conquered another goal and know that I worked my butt off to reach it.