Tuesday, April 19, 2011

No more pee pleeeeaaaaasssseeee.....

Nice post title, huh? I am sorry you have to put up with my crudeness, but I am so sick of peeing I could hurt someone. I decided to set a goal for myself to drink more water. Or should I say to drink water in general. I don't like to drink water unless it's a hot day, or I am running. So, I figured it was time to start. So, yesterday was my first 8 glasses of water day, and I seriously felt so huge and bloated and uncomfortable...I think it's because I drank all 8 within like 6 hours. This wasn't smart on my part. I have done much better today and actually wrote myself a water drinking schedule, and it has worked great. Only problem is, I still have to pee 24/7. I don't get how anyone could actually like drinking this much water. This better have a good payoff because a diet Pepsi sounds so much more inviting right now. Although, chances are...if I drank that, I would still have to go pee.