Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Whatever it takes to stay young...

Okay so about a year ago I started to realize I wasn't getting any younger. I wondered if there was any kind of creams or lotions that I could use that might actually help prevent wrinkles. So being the OCD person that I am, I went a little research crazy. I found about 1000 different creams and lotions, all priced skyhigh that claimed to help prevent wrinkles. I thought to myself "well there it is, I'm too poor to be pretty...oh well."but luckily I didn't give up on my research, and I found the simplest tool to help prevent wrinkles. And being that I am a cheapo, I found a way to afford it. So I will pass this along to those that don't want to get old either.

So ready for the big beauty secret???? Retin-a. Yep, remember that stuff people used (and still do) to clear up acne? It's a miracle drug for beautiful smooth skin. In fact, when I started using it a year ago I noticed a difference about four months into using it. I have used it 3 to 4 times a week ever since and my skin has never felt softer. It feels as soft as when I was 25. (I know I don't look 25 but my skin feels comparable to when I was that age.) My only regret, is that I didn't know about this in my 20s. Research shows that the longer you use it the better your skin will be. It is outrageously priced in the states, so I get mine through a Canadian pharmacy. I save bucks this way...big time.

One other beauty secret (not that I am the best example for beauty) is Latisse, for growing eyelashes. Mine have always been short and flimsy, and about two years ago I found latisse through an online pharmacy and again I can get it for way cheaper than in the states. My eyelashes are twice as long as they used to be.

I do have to say, that as I get older I find I have to find little tricks likes these to continue to feel young... But if it makes me feel younger, I am all about it!