Tuesday, June 19, 2012

You are a #1 dad...

This man I am married to surprised me this Fathers day. I expected him to have expectations like I have when it's Mother's day. I always want breakfast. Help with the house and kids. A feeling of appreciation. Don't we all? From the minute Chris got out of bed he was serving everyone else. I kept asking him to stop. Let me do it. But he wouldn't. He made breakfast. After church, I told him to go take a nap. He said no and literally pushed me toward the bed, making me take one instead. He made lemon bars while I slept. He insisted on making dinner. It was pure craziness. He's never done this on Fathers day before. I didn't get it. It's like it was something he needed to do.

Later that night before the kids went to bed, he called myself and all the kids in. He told our children that he wanted them to know that to him Father's day isn't a time to be served but to serve his family. That we are his greatest gifts. That he is blessed to give to us. He bore his testimony of the gospel. Chills ran all over me as I realized how blessed our kids are to have him as their dad.

When I first met Chris, I didn't think we were a very good match. But I had prayed to find someone that loved the Lord more than anything else on earth. This man I married 15 years ago, does. He isn't perfect. But he is mine. I love you Chris. Thank you for being a father our kids have every reason to cherish.

To my own father. Thank you for being the kind of dad that inspired me to turn down the loser guys, and go for the very best. To find someone that loved me as much as you loved  my own mother. Without your example I wouldn't have set my sights so high. I love you, dad.