Tuesday, May 29, 2012


We had such a great weekend spent with family. We rented a house in Newport, Oregon and met up with my parents and my sister, her boyfriend Seth and my nephew, Josh. I wish all my siblings could have made it but we are all spread out. We spent some time on the ocean, and Grace loved hanging out with her Dad, and Seth. She beat Seth over the head with a brush and hid his shoes...a sure sign he won her heart. We rented a great house in walking distance to the ocean. The house was awesome, and most of our time was spent just hanging out, playing games, laughing and staying up late. We took the kids to the wax museum and Ripley's. They had a total blast and thank goodness they did, because it wasn't cheap! But, it was worth it to see their faces at all the cool exhibits. Overall the weekend was awesome. It was a time we will all cherish. I only hope more of us can be together next time we make such a great time happen.