Thursday, May 24, 2012

Happy Birthday to my young/old soul...

Halee is a child that brings me happiness. All of my children do, but lately she has shined like a light that all of us need around. For her birthday we gave her $100. I asked what she wanted and she named several books she had her eye on. One was titled "How awesome will it be?" speaking of heaven and the life after this one. A tear came to my eye and chills ran through my body as I realized the impact of how valiant this young lady is. That inside of her is not a teenage girl, but an old soul. Her dreams for the future make me so happy. I want happiness for her and all of my children and seeing them make good choices is the greatest gift I could ever receive. I know hard times will come for her and all of my children. They will make mistakes...they already do. So do I! But in my heart I know they want happiness. I will do everything I can, make every sacrifice I must, even crawl on my knees, beg and plead to guide them to that happiness. To real joy. As Chris' late father used to say, regarding being with our families in the next life... "No empty chairs." We love you Halee Mariah Chapman. Happy Birthday my beautiful, wonderful girl.