Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I'm singing in the rain....make that running.

This past week and a half have been lonely running days for me. My best friend and running partner is having some IT band issues (boo boo's around the knee area) and is out of commission for a short time until she can get healed up. I must say that I don't really like to run alone. Sometimes it's nice to have the time to think about life, but mostly it is just plain BORING. I have been dragging my poor husband along for runs as long as 6 miles, and he really has been awesome about it considering he usually runs around 3. Today I had to run alone because he and I ran last night and we ran harder than usual...for him especially, because he hasn't been running that long. Tonight when I ran, it was pouring like you wouldn't believe. I thought before I started that it would be miserable. It wasn't though. In fact it wasn't all that cold out (63 degree's) and it felt so refreshing. It made running the hills much easier. But you should have seen me. I was drenched from head to toe. I could barely see just from all the water (mixed with sweat)dripping down my face. I totally should have taken a picture.

When I first started running, my friend and I decided if we were going to do this, and really stick to it, we had to take on any, and all weather conditions because we new if we weren't consistent, we would never last. I read a quote today that I really appreciated, especially in light of my run tonight. It goes like this... “Runner’s don’t get rained out, they get rained on.” And I have, many times. In fact rain to me, is much more inviting then this past winters ice, freezing temps, and snow galore. I love knowing that I can do it, even though it absolutely and positively is not easy, and I do get very discouraged at times...I know I can do it, if it's really what I want...and it is.