Tuesday, December 14, 2010


We've all been asked the age old question "If you could be any animal, what would you be?" Well, I never thought I'd say it, but I think I would be rat. A drowned rat that is. I officially received the title Saturday when I went for an 8 1/2 mile run with my two running partners. It wasn't raining too much when we left but 5 minutes into the run, it was pouring and continued to do so for the entire run. All I was wearing was a thin white shirt for a top. I was literally shivering from head to toe. Boy did I learn a lesson. Thankfully 6 miles into the run, we passed a friends house who graciously let me borrow her sweatshirt, which helped immensely. Being sick with a horrid cold didn't help matters. Okay, so then I ran again by myself today, and what happened? Yep, drowned rat...again. And then I'm going to be running again tonight, and what do I see out my window as I type this? Pouring rain. I have never been so angry at rain in my life. Why do I live in Oregon?