Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Warning...stop now because this may offend you.

But I'm going to write about it anyway, because it was really embarrassing, but thankfully I can laugh about it now. Yesterday I took the two youngest girls to WalMart with me. I had a ton of stuff to get..stuff for home, and Chris gave me a long list for office supplies as well. To top it off I had to pick the kids up in just a few short minutes from school. I hate to be late, especially picking my kids up so I was in major rush mode. I finally had everything on my list and was pretty much throwing my items onto the check stand. The boy checking was about 18 and was slowwwwwww as molasses. And I mean it too. I wanted to ring the kids neck by the time he had rung item #3. I had a big case of diet coke on the bottom of my cart that I didn't want to lift so I just said (and this is where the embarrassment arrived) "If your thingy is long enough could you just reach down here and scan?" I immediately realized how that sounded and I tried really hard not to look at this boy, but I hoped deep in my heart he didn't have a gutter mind and wouldn't even notice. I couldn't resist so I took a quick glance, and yep....the red in his cheeks and smirk on his face said it all. I wanted to crawl in a hole. So I basically just didn't look at him as he took another 5 minutes to finally get me out of there. I told my husband about it hoping for some sympathy but all I got out of him was a belly laugh that doesn't come out of him very often. *Note to self*...don't use the word "thingy" to refer to anything ever, ever, ever.