Sunday, November 8, 2009

Kiss My Foot!

Growing up this was one of my moms favorite things to say to us kids when she wasn't going to take any you know what from us! This is what I felt like saying to my brood today. We went to visit my parents in my hometown because Chris was due to take some continuing education courses, so I thought I would hang out with my family. We had a great time. I was able to visit one of my best friends that lives an hour from my parents which was very refreshing and fun! Plus she made me chocolate chip cookies...darned girl!! They were yummy. Anyway, it wasn't until the drive home today that I wanted to exclaim to my children "Kiss my foot!!" It was one of those days where the fighting was NON STOP. Constant exclamations of "Her feet are in my face!" or "He poked my back!" or "She spit on me!" (That one really made me mad.) I literally felt like I needed to run far away to another land. In fact at one point I stopped at a red light, looked over and there was an old lady all alone in her car, and I said under my breath..."can I get in your car?" Chris took the "fix" it approach as he watched me crumple before his eyes. He kept saying things like "Oh come on, you know you love them" and "One day you'll laugh at this." Hmmmm...I told him it would be a LONG time before I laugh! Bless Chris' heart for trying to talk me out of my mini breakdown, but you would think he would realize after 12 years that this approach never works for me! I do believe that I will one day laugh though...especially when I am the little old lady sitting in a car all alone....probably even wishing the kids were driving me crazy. Yay for tomorrows...lets hope there won't be any foot kissin'.