Friday, November 13, 2009

Good Times With Kids...

If I could come up with one activity that I absolutely adore doing with my kids, it would hands down be reading. I am really bad because I raid the library and then take forever to return the books. Chris gets really annoyed because I always have late fines. I try to remind him that I am being a good mommy by expanding our kids' minds. I took them there today in fact, and I always feel a calm happy feeling while at the library. I don't get people staring at my large family as much there. Why is this? Oh well, I like it!! The kids were really terrific most of the time, but maybe there's something in the air because they have been AT each other a lot lately. At the end of our outing they started to fight, and I spanked them all (not really) then said "Okay I'm out of here" (really.) All in all I was happy to be there! And I have to say that I am very sad because here soon our library is closing due to low funding. :( I will be buying books at that point because reading is a gift I refuse to deprive my children of.