Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day...

Mother's Day. Honestly this is one of my very favorite days out of the whole year. I'm not really sure why. I think it has something to do with the fact that I give all I can to my children and to be thanked all day long is beautiful. It's also a celebration of what I find most meaningful in life. My children are literally the meaning of all goodness that exists on this earth. Being a mother to them has been a privilege that I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for allowing me to have. 

Chris as always makes this time of year a perfect day. He got me the below necklace (only, my childrens names are on it) and it is the most beautiful gift I could have asked for.

I get weepy around this time too. It reminds me of how blessed I am for my mother. Today during church a girl about my age announced that her mom has stage four cancer. Stage four? No. How? Why her? It made me cry as I thought about the fact that if that were my mother my heart would be breaking. 

Yes, Mother's Day isn't just a time for goodies and presents and breakfast in bed. It's a time of reflection. A time to appreciate all that I have and most of all, all I have to give.