Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How many blueberries can you fit into your mouth at one time?

We are simple, and I kind of like that. I like to wear makeup and go shopping and take fun trips but when all is said and done, I like eating blueberries and even picking weeds. I like sitting in my rocking chair on my front porch drinking a diet cherry pepsi. This makes me happier than shopping. I like to see my children work. I like seeing them grow in character from doing so. I like to get my hands dirty and hate using gloves to weed, and only do so to avoid blisters. I don't mind dirt under my fingernails. Most of all I love to be barefoot. If I'm not barefoot I'm in flipflops. My children? They are always barefoot, and who cares if it's a hazard to their feet? They are happy, and that's what matters. This is why I love Summer.