Thursday, July 17, 2008

Snips and snails and puppy dog tails....

One reason why I love my boys like I do, is because Chris has helped mold them into good boys that I think will be great men!! Chris is a great teacher because he uses positive reinforcement to teach them to work to do what's right, and to carry on the legacy of the gospel. He teaches them about the scriptures, and I'm so thankful to him for being such an asset and huge part of their lives!
Okay, so I am going to tell you why I love my boys. Honestly I have to say there is a bond I have found with my boys that is so strong sometimes it hurts! I can't even handle how much I love them. They are so wonderful, and full of crazy surprises. I grew up with 3 sisters and one lonely brother, and so I didn't grow up around lots of boys, so having three has taught me so much about boys and how special they are. They are far more sensitive and caring then I ever would have realized. And I have also found that my boys ADORE me. That I am thankful for and hope and pray it lasts!!!! Connor and all of my boys actually LOVE to take care of and play with Grace. She is THEIR little baby. She knows it too! I love this sensitive side that they display. I think they will make excellent fathers.
They all share a room. Sometimes it drives me nuts at night with all the noise, but I think this has helped them to be great friends!!!

Ahhh...Christian. He's going through a little stage right now where he loves to pick, pick pick. Boys LOVE to pick on people (at least mine.) They are little teasers, but I guess that comes with the territory!
What's the deal with boys and garages???? Mine LIVE in it! Chris loves the garage too. It's something I don't quite understand, but oh well!!!!

My boys are such silly people too...obviously.

They love to climb anything and everything. I'm constantly saying "Get down before you kill yourself!!!" Luckily they are forgiving of my oh so often nagging ways. I think or at least hope that they know it's only because I love them and will forever cherish them!