Tuesday, May 24, 2016


Our beloved prophet has said "Let us relish life as we live it, find joy in the journey, and share our love with friends and family. One day each of us will run out of tomorrow's." I had no idea I would be faced with the possibilities of running out of tomorrow's until my best friend and I were in a life changing car crash Sunday evening. We ended up losing control of the vehicle in a situation where the steering was over corrected to avoid hitting another vehicle and our car was stuck in cruise control at 70 mph. We fish tailed back and forth until our car turned completely around facing oncoming traffic, slid backwards/sideways and turned on its side and ran into a tree. At 70 mph. We were both looking behind us as we neared the tree and my heart breaks at the horror my friend must have felt as she was on the side of impact. But we hit. And we lived. We had people pull over and in less than 30 seconds we were being rescued from a trapped car. Tammy had a window breaker and our guardian angels/good Samaritans helped us out and tipped our car back over while we waited for emergency personnel and our husbands.

We walked away between the two of us with minor cuts...neck and back pain. The accident changed us both. That change may fade as life gets back to normal and taking things for granted becomes human nature again, but for now, we are grateful to be mothers to our children. Wives to our husbands. Daughters to our parents, and sisters to our siblings.

I'm thankful to my best friend for letting go of the wheel when she did because had she not, we most likely would have hit the tree head on, and I wouldn't be typing this today. She is a hero.

Life is beautiful.