Sunday, May 17, 2015

Running naked...

You know you have a best friend when you accidently have the same toothbrush.

My friend Tammy and I ran another half marathon this weekend. We planned this several months back. I kind of looked at it as a "run naked" kind of half. And I by no means mean that literally...I wouldn't punish the other runners around me by doing that. What I do mean is run without a watch, with a care, without a goal. Run to have fun. A Mother's Day gift to ourselves, so to speak. And so, that is what we did. It was a fairly small race and  so was not chip timed so we actually have no clue what we ran it in. It was one of the most fun runs I've ever done for that reason. Don't get me wrong....I love the competition and adrenaline that running brings, but once in a while you have to have fun to remember why you like running in the first place. I'm thankful I have a best friend to have adventures like this with. I'm thankful I have a husband who encourages it. I'm just so gosh darn thankful.