Sunday, June 29, 2014


The greatest thing took place this weekend. Our church held a three day youth conference/music festival. This wasn't like an other youth conference I have ever seen. The preparation on it started by church leaders a whole year ago and I will tell you why. The conference was to consist of a concert of over 1000 youth performing for the entire Portland community. 

When I first heard about it I thought to myself "what a great idea ...but my teenagers will NEVER actually sing." But boy was I wrong. The youth have been traveling into Portland several times this past year to practice, practice, PRACTICE. They were to put on three different performances (same songs, different times) so that as many people as possible could attend. 

It was held in a huge building at the Portland fairgrounds. ALL THREE sessions were completely FULL. Members of our church, and MANY non members attended. 

you should have seen it. A thousand youth, all dressed in black and white. 

As I looked at the program, I noticed the theme was "A Perfect Brightness Of Hope." I got teary eyed and that point I knew I would be crying the whole time. And I kinda did. 

It wasn't until the last song "Come Thou Fount" that the spirit was so strong I thought I might burst. The volume and sound from all these youth was amazing. And midway through the song on either side of the audience you see missionary after missionary carrying large white flags walking towards the front...all in a continuous row. I sat and stared at all those women and men who have sacrificed two years of their lives to share this gospel. It made me think of the missionaries that taught my parents the gospel. What would have happened had they chose not to serve their missions? They literally changed the course of my parents lives, and changed generations because of their sacrifice. How I wish I could find them and say thank you.

The purpose of the conference was to remind everyone, everywhere that there IS HOPE. A perfect brightness of it. Life can be so freaking hard at times, and yet we are not alone. What an amazing message.

I have a testimony of the gospel. There's no denying it. Either it's real or it isn't, and I'm here to say that it IS real. I'm grateful on every level for that.