Thursday, January 9, 2014

Tomato sandwiches, made with love...

I remember when my sister April was in first grade, I used to stay home. It was just my mom and me. My mom would sit us down at lunchtime and feed myself and her mayo and tomato sandwiches. I can still remember sitting at the table watching her eat...just her and I. The memories are vague yet vivid. April would show up in the afternoon and be fed a large dill pickle which she would eat while she lay down on our piano bench in front of the television. Why she didn't sit on a comfy couch, I have no idea. I will have to ask her that sometime.

Even though Scarlett is in school half day, I still cherish the alone time I have with her, even if it is only for a few hours. Today we went to McDonald's and she ate an ice cream sundae. It made her day, when I told her we would be going for ice cream. I love her and all of my children so so so much. I literally treasure every second of every day that I have the privilege of being near them. You wouldn't always know it in my actions, but deep within my soul it's a very true reality.