Saturday, April 14, 2012

#1 denominator...

We had a van growing up similar in looks to the above picture. It's a vehicle that stands out in my mind and always will. It was a van that got us many places, and caused much embarrassment to me and my teenage sisters. I don't even know how long we had it, but it seems to me that it was

Whenever my siblings and I fought my dad would have us post our nose to the carpet of that van. Something we felt was so unjustified. (I now know we deserved every second of nose posting.) I can still smell the carpet. I can still see the color. I can still remember bickering and fighting in the van, driving my poor parents crazy.

It also holds good memories. My mom used to load us up and drive us to Wendy's and we would sit in the van and eat junior bacon cheeseburgers. Not sure why I loved doing that so much, but I did.

Somewhere along the line, the van got a nickname from my sister April and her friend. #1 denominator.

#1 denominator eventually got tired and old.It even ran into our chain linked fence one time. (I won't go into that.) It's brakes started seriously screeching. I went to a youth activity for our church. It was held at someones home. I remember hearing the brakes screech from a mile away. My younger sister and I said we needed to go, and ran a 1/4 mile down the street so that none of our friends would witness the horrid sounds of #1 denominator.

I look back now and laugh. I actually care about #1 denominator in some strange way. It will always have a special place in my heart.