Saturday, February 12, 2011

What did we do 95% of the time...and was it worth it???

We were on the beach...period. Laying in the sun. Snorkeling, floating on floaties in the water, splashing each other, etc. We learned within a few short days that to get Scarlett to take a nap, all we had to do was place her in her floaty and the waves rocked her to sleep. She'd sleep like this for about an hour every day. It was heaven. Chris has a very tan back from holding her in her floaty every day.

Taking the kids out snorkeling was so fun. Chris and I would take turns, and seeing the joy in their faces as they would hold my hand and point out fish, was priceless. It's kind of like through your kids and seeing new things through their eyes is a remarkable feeling, and one I could never trade. I feel so blessed to have experienced this with six kids in tow and a husband who is truly my team mate. So was it worth it? Without a doubt, worth every minute and every penny, and the memories will be treasured forever.