Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Meanest Mom On Earth...

I have officially earned the BAD mom of the day award. Earlier this evening the kids ran into the house saying a lady had given away a homeless kitty...well of course they thought they had struck gold. I am not much of an animal person but this kitty was really beautiful and so cuddly, however Christian and myself are allergic to animals so it just WOULDN'T WORK!!!! I told them this over and over but it in no way assuaged their hurt and anger. Chris and I later found them hiding the cat on top of the bed in their room. They thought they could get away with this. Have they not yet figured out that mom's have eyes in the back of their heads??? Anyway to make a long story short I called my friend and asked her to take it for the night so the kids didn't get more attached. When I got ready to take the kitty away they all started bawling, and crying. I have never seen them all cry together so hysterically. It was hard not to laugh due to the drama over this kitty, but my heart strings felt awful for them. Anyway they insisted on a picture with the kitty who was theirs for 2 whole hours... they had determined I was the meanest mom alive.

One more thing...I'd like to give the lady who randomly gave a kitty away with out a parents permission a good kick in the rear!