Monday, February 24, 2014

My very own...

When we were at church yesterday, the missionaries came up to Grace and noticed she had a very old tattered book of Mormon in her hands. They asked her if she would like a brand new one. Her face lit up and she said yes. They each gave one to Grace and Scarlett.

The first thing she did when she got home, was write her name in it. Several hours later she had lost it, she went from person to person in our family asking if they had seen it. No one had seen it. She came back to me about an hour later, and whispered in my ear "I prayed to heavenly father that I would find my book of Mormon, and I found it on top of the washing machine."

At their request, I will be heading to Walmart today to get some stickers for them to put in their very own book of Mormon.

Grace's testimony is like a little seed, and literally before my eyes I see it sprouting and growing. I feel so blessed to belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I feel even more blessed that Grace recognized, that a simple prayer from a six-year-old, could be answered.