Thursday, February 13, 2014

Being spoiled...

This is what I woke up to this morning. Yes, I know Valentine's Day is tomorrow. Chris will be gone for the day, so he made sure I didn't miss out on a Valentine surprise.

What does it mean to be "spoiled" anyway? For me, it has absolutely nothing to do with materialistic things. And it has everything to do with actions. Chris letting me put my cold feet underneath his legs in bed at night, is me being spoiled. Chris starting my car for me in the morning without my asking, is me being spoiled. Chris coming home from work and saying "what do you need me to do?" Is me being spoiled.

In my opinion, little things like this are so vital to my relationship with Chris. And it goes both ways, we both choose to give. If we didn't, I am certain our relationship would flop. And in all honesty, I truly believe that Chris derives a great deal of pleasure from making me happy. Who isn't happy when they are giving?

I am not a princess, but I do not think it is too much to ask to be treated like one. 

Happy valentines day...