Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I have been so blessed lately it's just craziness. It seems like ever since Chris and I got married, blessings after blessings have followed. It took a lot of faith to bring he and I together. We didn't really like each other that much when we first met, but we felt heavenly father throughout the entire journey telling us that this was all we would ever need..each other. The "not like" became love very quickly and I believe because we took a leap of faith we have been watched out for. But, I know my trials are a comin'. When I was little I used to sit by the phone when my parents would leave for a few hours and worry to death that it would ring and one of them would be hurt, or worse, way dead. I know, ridiculous, especially for a 7 year old. I am a fearful person at times. I wish I could change that. I have got much better as I have lived longer, but tragedies. I have also never been stung by a bee and because I haven't, I'm even more scared because I don't know what to expect. How will I react if I lose someone I love? I do not know. I don't know what to expect. I know this much. The lord loves us. I know I have been blessed with happy warm, good things for so long, but I know deep down that I will have huge tremendous trials at some point and I will still be blessed because we grow from them, and Heavenly father wants that for us. I just hope I can be a strong little girl and not fall apart. For now, I'm going to enjoy the warm happy things.