Wednesday, August 11, 2010

How did it happen? Well, Halee was created a little over 12 years ago, and now she's at girls camp for the very first time. I'm still trying to "get" how it happened. How is it that I have a girl old enough to go to camp, when I was just there yesterday??? I need an answer, but know I will never get one, because it's just the way the world turns. I'm sort of freaking out though, because in a few short years, she'll be leaving home. I know it's 6 years away, but like I said, I was JUST 12 myself, so 6 years will fly by without a doubt.

The boys and I have kept busy raking and trying to get our new yard under control. They worked with me for 2 hours yesterday while Chris was at Priesthood. I told them I would pay them each $5 an hour. When we finished they started talking about what they would each buy. Austin said he'd think about it. Connor said he wanted a giant lollipop, and Christian said "I am going to save mine." I said "YOU'RE GOING TO DO WHAT?????" This is something I rarely hear out of my kids.. He again said "I think I'll save mine." Connor then him asked how long, and Christian replied "Until I die." I looked at him and said "You are one SMART boy."