Friday, March 27, 2009

Birthdays and Bra's

The picture below is of the set of scriptures my husband was given from his parents right before his mission. As you can tell they aren't looking so good! I guess this is a good sign that they are and were put to good use. For his 39th b-day (can you believe it??) I bought him a new set. He had wanted some for so long. I guess I am lucky to be married to a man that asks for scriptures for his b-day! lol.

Normally under NO circumstances would I allow my underwear to be paraded across my blog, but this was too sweet and cute to pass up! Every time tried to take it away she would run as far away as possible. I guess she's ready to be a woman a little earlier than I had planned! hahaha.

P.S Chris and I celebrated our 12 year anniversary on the 21st. I have no current pics of he and I together....I am so grateful to be spending my life with this great man. He really is my very best friend. I married UP!!!! :)