Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I figured since I have been so very horrible about blogging I would catch up with just a few fun and neat occurrences at our house lately. The first is Christian below. Yes, he found Tampons and has absolutely NO clue what they are actually for, so using his imagination he turned them into "dynamite." He has these put safely away in his top drawer just in case he ever finds need to blow something up... I am a do laundry everyday kind of girl. If I don't it just gets out of control and can truly turn scary. I always do it when the kids are in school and Grace gets incredibly bored. Her new hobby is to hang out with the Littlest Pets inside the dryer. Sounds like loads of fun right?!

Austin had gone to bed the other night and he got up and said he wanted to share an experience with me he'd just had. He was reading his scriptures on his bed and the flashlight was going out. He said he decided to say a little prayer that it would burn long enough to finish the chapter. He says it got brighter as he read and then went dim as he finished. I could tell by the way he told me, and more so his urgency to tell me that his testimony had been strengthened by such a small act of faith. Sometimes I think Heavenly father sent these children to me not so I could teach them, but so they could teach me. I learn so much from them!