Tuesday, February 12, 2008

My kids have been tagged by Jenny!

Once again we are IT!!! This one is about our kiddo's...

Halee likes:
Hannah Montana
Taking baths
Playing the computer
Going anywhere and everywhere with mom.
Writing in her journal

Halee dislikes:
Her brothers messing her room up.
Helping with laundry (which she is sooo good at!)
Cleaning her room

Austin likes:
Reading scripture's (He's our mini missionary)
Going to school
Having friends over
Writing in his journal.
Playing computer

Austin dislikes:
Again...folding laundry
Gosh I can't think of many things he doesn't like!

Connor likes:
Anything SWEET!!!! (He's always robbing the candy!)
Wrestling with brothers and dad

Connor dis likes:

Christian likes:
Mickey mouse clubhouse
Playing with mommy
Wrestling with daddy

Christian dis likes:
Playing outside in the cold

Grace likes:
Lots of hugs
Sleeping (Pretty exciting huh?)

Grace dis likes:
When Christian attacks her
When mom makes her cry to sleep.

I tag Jenny S. Patty, and Erin.