Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Welcome home...

This year we have chosen to homeschool our youngest 3. It was inspired by the fact that our girls do competitive gymnastics and that takes many hours per week. The stress of being away so much was just plain too much. I had no idea what a joy it would be to embark on such a special journey. The kids are SO excited and I had no idea of the resources available to homeschooling kids. 

When I told the girls back in June of my plans to homeschool Scarlett turned into a different girl. She used to get angry easily. Frustrated and unhappy at times. Sad. Stressed. Not that school makes you unhappy! Because my oldest 3 loved school. It really just depends on the child but I can say unequivocally that the stars aligned when I made this choice. It was the right thing at the right time. Plain and simple.

I feel a lot riding on my shoulders but also I feel truly privileged to be the teacher to my children. It’s going to be a really incredible year...