Monday, January 1, 2018

A new season...

There was a time when people stared at us while we sat in church with 5 kids under the age of 10. There was fighting and crying and flat out screaming. There was me smiling the fakest smile on earth and silently threatening my children through eye contact. (That still happens, actually) There was time out and dragging kids out when necessary. 

Times have changed drastically. Our oldest is married and out next oldest is nearly 18. Our youngest will be nine this summer. I kinda miss the old struggles. But with older children comes very different struggles...the kind that aren’t apparent to others while sitting in church. The kind where you wonder if your kids even like you...the kind where dirty looks are flashed at you several times a day (I do have three teenage boys right now.) where just about everything you do or say gets an eye roll 🙄...but just like the struggles when they were little I’m learning that the hard times are few and far between when you step back and look at the big picture. 

Whether or not the struggles are big or small I’m thankful that forgiveness exists. Love is the most important aspect of all and there’s plenty of that to go around.