Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Chapman family reunion...

We spent the past week with my husbands side of the family for a family reunion. It.was.wonderful. 

The boys rode 4 wheelers. All the kids swam all day long. They spent time getting to know cousins. We had a family home evening where each family shared something spiritual and there were lots of happy tears and memories shared. Chris has a remarkable family. It's good for me to see this because it illustrates to me why he's so special. I wish all of his siblings could have been there because it would have been that much better. I love them all.

The last two days we spent alone (everyone had left) so we stayed in Scottsdale and the kids had a blast swimming once again. I will say this. I missed the green in Oregon! I never realized how dry Arizona is. We will always remember this trip. Great, great memories.