Saturday, September 10, 2016

Nothing is impossible...

You think it's never coming. That your little girl will stay little because surely there's some magic mama potion that will slow time down. And then she grows up anyway.

I took my beautiful baby to college this weekend. Was it hard? Harder than I expected. It felt like I was abandoning her, to be honest. She was afraid. She's young. She's never been away from her dad and I more than a week at a time. Of course she's scared. And there's nothing I can do to make that better.

So I say goodbye. Austin came too because he's her best friend in the whole world. And my heart breaks. And his heart breaks. But yet, she's so beautiful and she's embarking on something new, and that's beautiful. And I know she loves the lord. And that's a huge comfort. So I end up feeling confused by my emotions. 

The hardest part is going back to the hotel and smelling her bath and body works lotion or the Jammie's she wore the night before. And finding her bobby pins all over the bathroom counter.

Here's the thing. She has brought me an insurmountable amount of joy for 18 years. Bringing her into this world has been a blessing straight from God. I give him full credit for creating this wonderful girl and allowing me the privilege of raising her. And let's be real...she ultimately belongs to him. It's time to give it to God. It's time to have faith that she'll be okay, I know God loves her and that's what my mama heart is hanging onto.