Monday, June 13, 2016


What's in a name anyway? To me, for whatever's everything. When I became a "Chapman" I didn't really know what was in store for me. I had faith that it was the right thing, and that was it. That faith truly paid off. My life has been so blessed ever since. I love being a "Grizzard." It's a name that means hard work, honesty, faithfulness, determination. It means so many lovely and wonderful things. Being a Chapman means so many wonderful things, too. What stands out to me the most is loyalty. I can honestly look at my father in law, brother in laws and husband and be so proud to belong to a family where the women in their lives are truly cherished. My heart swells with joy to know that I have the privilege of belonging to this wonderful family and having two names that I can honestly say I wouldn't change for anything. And every time my boys ask if I need help with anything, or hold the door open for me I think to myself "You are a Chapman." And my heart swells.