Monday, March 21, 2016

Lucky number 19...

It's been pretty festive at our house the last two days. We celebrated Chris turning 46....the age my dad was when I met Chris...gulp. And today we celebrate 19 years of perfect bliss together. Ok, I lied about the "perfect bliss" part. We have had ups and downs just like any normal married couple, but I love this man so much, my heart could burst. The last two years have been crazy with me going back to school. I didn't know how we would navigate through the stress. But in all's made me realize how supported I am by friends, family, and most of all, Chris. He's been there and hasn't complained. He's taken on kids so that they don't feel the stress of me being pulled in different directions. I can truly say that I am a blessed girl and so thankful that despite things being tough at times...I wouldn't change a thing about this man that took me to the temple and married me 19 years ago.