Thursday, February 5, 2015

The belle of the ball...

UI did something I swore I would never do. I got us a family puppy. One that stays in the house. Ewww...gross....that's what I've always said, but now that she's here I kinda don't feel that way as much. It helps that she's non shedding and only two lbs. who couldn't love a little puppy like that? I went away with a friend for the night to pick her up and when I got her home the kids went crazy. They have wanted a dog

She is a yorkie and Her name is belle. And she is the sweetest little thing you could imagine. She loves all our noise and that is in itself a miracle.

I will admit, there are times where I'm feeling like I have another baby and I say to myself "I didn't sign up for this." But I did sign up and chances are, I won't regret it. Now if I can just convince my husband that it was a good idea....