Friday, August 10, 2018

How not to kill each other 101...

I won’t lie. This week was not our best when it comes to happy family feelings for each other. It was 105 degrees outside for several days in a row. That equals 85 degrees in a house with no AC. What is it about heat that brings out the monster in us all? Well, I got tired of all the crabbiness and shortness everyone was having (including myself) so at 11pm last night just before bed I told everyone to “get into the car because we are going to jump in the river.” You can’t even imagine the joy on the kids’ faces at this prospect. Even Chris was on board. So at approximately 11:15 pm we all (including the dogs) ended up splashing in the cold dark river for about 15 min. It was pure heaven. 

We came home and everyone loved each other again.