Thursday, August 23, 2012

What is fear?

Austin turned 12 recently and with that, comes campouts with the Young men from our church. Austin doesn't know these boys very well at all and it just so happens one is coming up this weekend. I told him he had to go in order to get to know these boys so he can feel a part of the group. Mom knows nothing I guess, because he was begging not to go. That it's a horrible idea. It had nothing to do with homesickness but a fear of being with kids you don't know, and trying to fit in. We've all been there.
I thought maybe, just maybe he would listen to Halee. Halee is very shy and had some really hard years during age 12 and 13. Surely she would have some words of wisdom for him. She said okay and disappeared for about 30 minutes. I wasn't sure what she was up to, but later found this letter to her brother. I won't share all of it, but these are the parts I loved the best.
What is fear you may ask? (Stop laughing at me I know I sound stupid.) Well I found the definition in one of my books. Let me tell you, the definition is very accurate. “Fear can come without warning at a moment we least expect. With a clammy grip, it slowly takes hold of its victim. Fear hisses words of discouragement such as, “Give up now” and “There’s no hope.” As it tightens its hold, people begin to lose faith in the future. When fear injects the chilling venom of doubt, the body, once full of life and hope, becomes limp and ready to be devoured.” The end. What a frightening definition of fear. Fear is exactly what Satan wants us to experience. Fear can cause even the best of us to tremble and lose strength.
 In a book by a man named John Bytheway he  says “The imagination is a little place in your head, when you are younger you go there to play. When you are older you go there to worry.”
How to overcome fear – Don’t think about the worst that could happen Austin, it won’t happen. Next get a blessing. They seriously work miracles. Next pray. Next read the scriptures. Here is a scripture about fear that I read when I am scared to do something.

1 But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob (oh Austin) and he that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine.

2 When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the bfire, thou shalt not be cburned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.

Love, Halee

Maybe I'm just a sappy mom, but when I read this, I started crying like a little baby. How did Halee become so wise? How thankful I am that she sees clearly. How thankful I am that she is a paragon of truth. How thankful I am to be her mother.