Thursday, May 24, 2012

What does a space ranger...I mean.. stay at home mom, actually do?

One thing the girls love me to do, which I've been doing since Halee was a little draw paper dolls. I think it's funny that they think I'm artistic enough to do this, because in reality the dolls look pretty ridiculous. I love being with my children. My niece sent a FB message to her mom in which she said... "Dear Mother, Thank you for being a stay-at-home mom. It's meant more to me than any materialistic thing in this world." I admire moms that stay home, especially my own, but I also admire those that juggle it all. I would be a wreck. I love that I am able to be with them. I've been so blessed and am grateful for the time I have each day with them. One day the season will change and I will miss these moments.