Monday, March 12, 2012

Real housewives of the gorge...

Our 3rd annual girls weekend took place Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Nine women that don't go shopping all that often, let loose in Portland and went a little crazy. Dresses, shoes, socks, jammies, more shoes, fun kitchen stuff, more shoes, and more shoes...all flying into carts.

Late nights took place as always. 3am the first night, and 2am the next. But after our hotel neighbors complained about our noise the 2nd night we sadly went to bed.

I love these women. I love to learn from them and get their advice. They have wisdom that I truly respect and admire.

I came home to kids awaiting me at the end of the driveway and a house that was clean, and a husband with a smile on his face. What a way to come home after such a great weekend.