We had such a great time with family over Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite Holiday's because it feels like Christmas too! We listened to Christmas music on our long drive down, as it rained like crazy.
The weather actually warmed up to 60 degree's the rest of the time. We took the kids to Wildlife safari....a little tradition. The festival of light's...Christmas lights galore. The big mall....okay...tiniest mall ever. But it was still so much fun.
I love my family. They really do remind me how blessed I am to have them in my life. I am so grateful to my parents for all they have taught us. My kids love and adore them. This warms my spirit like no other. And I am thankful for my siblings for just being wonderful. I wish my youngest and oldest sisters could have been with us!
I'm so thankful for my husband. He and my children bring me so much joy it's almost too much to take in.
I'm thankful for my Savior. I couldn't do this life thing, without him by my side.
When we got home last night, and I was putting Scarlett to bed, the last thing she said was "Can we go back to sleep at Grandma's?" I'm so thankful for family.