Thursday, October 27, 2011

Running for the soul...

I stole this picture from an online running group that I belong to. I couldn't resist.

My best friend has had some big time issues with her IT band (part of her leg) and she was finally instructed that she needed to lay off running for at least 6
weeks. This leaves me running with none other than....(drum roll)....myself. It's been interesting times being alone, I have to say. The negatives are obvious. I can't visit with my bff about daily happenings, which I love being able to do. No more talking about what happened last week on Survivor or Grey's Anatomy. (We always have very intelligent conversations you know.)

On the other hand, it's also been good for me, in a very temporary kind of way. I have realized that I can do it alone, even if I don't want to, and that I do have the motivation to get my rear out of bed and venture out in 30 degree weather. Which I must say, is a lot harder to do when you're running solo.

During my run this morning I went to turn my music on and my ipod was totally dead. This too, was good for me. I just thought about anything and everything in that 4 miles, that I don't have time to think about at any other time of day.

I believe that running isn't just good for the body, it's an awesome pick me up for the soul as well. I am grateful to be a runner, even if I do look like the goofy little girl in the photo. :)