I have been thinking a lot about my brother in law that lost his wife six months ago. I have been thinking about how hard it must be to keep on living. How much his girls must want to see their mother. It breaks my heart. I know there is a purpose in it all...but, boy oh boy, it is hard to see it sometimes.
It makes me feel grateful to have Chris in my life. He is my rock...and I know at any time, I could be asked to go through the same thing. Losing, a husband, or even a child. I need these reminders so I remember to tell my family I love them. To forget about the little messes the kids leave. To not get so mad at Halee for leaving her hair straightener and makeup out for the millionth time. For not caring that the boys are so loud sometimes, I want to chop my own ear off. To pick and choose what I feel the need to argue about with my husband.
I am thankful for all these little dears in my life. And more grateful that I can be with them forever...no matter what happens today or tomorrow.