Recently I decided I wanted to buy an extra special Mother's day gift for my Mom. I'm usually terrible at getting my Mom something on Mother's Day and I felt this year needed to be different. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, life is too short to not show love to those we do love. And that especially includes myself because sometimes (often times) I forget. I found a website called The Vintage Pearl and found just what I was looking for. A bracelet with 5 different charms...signifying the 5 children my Mother raised. The gift came much earlier than expected. My parents decided to come for a spur of the moment visit this past weekend and of course the kids were begging me to give her the bracelet now, instead of Mothers Day. I too couldn't hold out, so we sat her down and gave her this bracelet. She loved it. I didn't realize how much she would, but it made me so happy that I chose it for her. She is such a special Mother who is too hard on herself and forgets far too often what a great mom she was. She focuses on her mistakes rather than her successes. She forgets that all Mother's everywhere (I don't care who you are) all make mistakes...more often than we realize. That doesn't make us bad Mother's, that makes us human. The point is, she did the best she could, and I think that is pretty darn great. I love you mom!
Monday, March 28, 2011
To My Mom...
Recently I decided I wanted to buy an extra special Mother's day gift for my Mom. I'm usually terrible at getting my Mom something on Mother's Day and I felt this year needed to be different. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, life is too short to not show love to those we do love. And that especially includes myself because sometimes (often times) I forget. I found a website called The Vintage Pearl and found just what I was looking for. A bracelet with 5 different charms...signifying the 5 children my Mother raised. The gift came much earlier than expected. My parents decided to come for a spur of the moment visit this past weekend and of course the kids were begging me to give her the bracelet now, instead of Mothers Day. I too couldn't hold out, so we sat her down and gave her this bracelet. She loved it. I didn't realize how much she would, but it made me so happy that I chose it for her. She is such a special Mother who is too hard on herself and forgets far too often what a great mom she was. She focuses on her mistakes rather than her successes. She forgets that all Mother's everywhere (I don't care who you are) all make mistakes...more often than we realize. That doesn't make us bad Mother's, that makes us human. The point is, she did the best she could, and I think that is pretty darn great. I love you mom!