Friday, June 29, 2018
My 14 year old young man...
My sweet, precious little boy turned 14 today. He’s the youngest of the three boys and has always been somewhat of my baby because of that. But lately I see him turning into a dashing young man and it’s touching and surreal to sit and watch. I hope for great things to come to this faithful and wonderful boy in the years to come. We love you sweet Christian.

Monday, June 25, 2018
18 Summers...
I read a quote today that said “We get 18 delicious Summers with our children. This is one of your 18. If that’s not perspective, I don’t know what is. -Jessica Scott”
I’m going to try my hardest to remember this when the days get long, sometimes boring, and often frustrating. Because 18 is nothing. I wish I could flip the numbers and make it 81.
P.S photo credit to Grace who has an eye for capturing love.
You’re 9...
And I’m so proud of the young lady you are. In one more year you’ll be double digits and I’ll begin doing the countdown of how many more years I have you at home. I love you wonderful, wonderful girl. Happy birthday.

Especially For Youth...
I’m so grateful for the programs that our church offers. The youth of this generation have so many more obstacles to get through than I ever could have dreamt of. Connor spent a week away from all of it at a church camp, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t regret it.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018
The Fathers in my life...
I learned from a very young age the importance of a father. My dad worked hard to provide for our family. I think he must wonder at times if he worked too much. If he could have been there more. These are questions we ask ourselves after the fact...I’m learning that more and more as a parent. I say this, and I mean this unequivocally. You gave me the grandest gift I could have ever asked for. You worked extra hard so that my Mother could be home raising me. So she’d never have to feel obligated to go to work. You put miles on your car for travel. You flew in airplanes to destinations required by work. You couldn’t have wanted to be away. It is a whole lot easier to stay in your house or work 9 to 5. But you did it day in and day out so my mom could stay home with me. I see this as a sacrifice that is priceless. I’ll always love you for that.

I can say the same regarding my husband. He’s done everything in his power to provide for myself and our children. He regularly gives the kids the food off his plate. Literally.
How blessed I am that I had a father who by example facilitated my desires to find a man who’d treat myself and children so very well.
Happy Father’s Day to the greatest men I know...
Sunday, June 17, 2018
What I won’t lose...
You’re 18. This means that very soon you’ll leave me. I’ll lose my pizza partner (we always eat pizza on Thursday’s for lunch.) I’ll lose my running partner (Who will tell me to keep going.) I’ll lose my scrabble partner (you always are a great competitor.) thing I will not lose is one of my best friends. You will always be my son....but yes, you are also one of my closest friends. Being your mother has been an undeniable blessing. You will do extraordinary things in the near and far future. I look forward to watching from the distance. And no matter where you are...I’ll be your biggest supporter.

Friday, June 15, 2018
Dashing men and togetherness...
I’m most definitely beginning to be in the minority when it comes to height now that I have three teenage boys. It feels good to be towered over and protected by so many special men in my life. I’m old school...I like to be taken care of.
P.S Families are forever...

Thursday, June 14, 2018
A pioneer doll...
I don’t claim to be savvy at making things out of random things. In fact I’m not very crafty. You can probably tell by these little rag dolls I helped the girls make when they started in on this project. But I have to say...making them and seeing how excited the girls were at such a simple achievement was incredibly heart warming. 

Friday, June 8, 2018
8th grade graduation...
My youngest little (not little) boy has graduated 8th grade. Just a minute ago I was dropping him off for his first day of school ever. He’s worked so hard and we are so proud of this accomplishment. He gave myself, Grace and Scarlett a rose after giving a wonderful speech thanking everyone who helped him get to this point. We love you dear Christian. Life wouldn’t be as blissful without you in it.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018
Daddy’s little girls...
I know a couple of girls that had an absolutely wonderful time dancing their hearts out with their dad at the annual daddy daughter dance. I had the opportunity to be in charge this year so had a front row seat at how sweet these three were together. A dancing trio. Made my heart grow watching them.

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