Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Guys/girls weekend

Chris had some continuing education classes he attended this past weekend and decided to make it a guy's trip and took all three boys along. They of course had the time of their lives...eating out, going to the movies, swimming, etc.

This worked out nice for a "girls, at home weekend." We stayed up late, ate out lots and enjoyed the peace and quiet. We did miss our loud boys though, I must admit.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Beautiful inside and out...

Every time the girls want a makeover they always have one request "we want to
Look like u mommy." This makes me laugh because they are 10 times more beautiful than I could ever possibly be. But they love me I guess because I'm their mom...and gosh darn it, I feel so blessed to be that to them.


This little lady is one sweet thing. Always has a smile to share and a hug to give. I love this little goose. 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Cherish the moments....

A friend of ours lost her beautiful 20 year old daughter in a bicycle accident a few months ago. This girl wasn't just any girl. She attended our small christian school with our older kids and was always a paragon of love, kindness and joy.

Her mom wrote this about the grief she's experiencing. It reminded me to be thankful for every moment. Not just the moments where my kids are acting good. Not just the moments when they clean up after themselves. Not just the times when they aren't arguing.

After I read her post I immediately went to every child who was in bed getting ready to go to sleep. I held their feet. They thought I was crazy, but I don't care because I was holding their perfectly mortal feet. And it felt wonderful.

Saturday, April 18, 2015


Can we all agree that lilacs are the most wonderful, delightfully smelling flower of all time? The kids know I feel this way. I had a few special deliveries today. It feels good to be loved.

The wheels on the bus...

Isn't this the best? When kids play with boxes rather than electronics? This is a "bus" according to christian, Grace and scarlett. :)

Men at work...

What have we been doing the past three weekends? Building a fence to keep our little belle from escaping. Bless my dear husbands heart. He hasn't complained much...and the boys have been hard at work. I'm proud of their efforts. We might actually make it a wrap today.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter folks...

"Folks" is a word I don't actually use in my vocabulary...it actually really gets on my nerves...but I thought it would be fun to say since I never say it.

We had a great weekend cebrating Easter together. It was also conference weekend where we get to hear the prophet of our church speak. Two wonderful things combined.

My older kids make me laugh in the pic with their "Easter baskets" but they know their childhoods are coming to an end in the next few years so they have to take full advantage of being a kid while they can.

I love u all my dear sweet children. You are the light of my life. 


You are a teenager...and yet u were just emerging from my womb a minute ago, crying your little heart out. I'm not sure where the time went but the guy who stole it needs to go to jail because I want it back.

I love this boy more than I could ever attempt to explain in a blog post. He's so full of energy that it's infectious. He's my soft boy with a loud voice. He yells and runs into everything and breaks stuff and yet I wouldn't change a thing about him. In fact...I love that he is who he is.

Want to hear something scary? I have three teenagers in the house now. Oh dear...