Then it was Christians turn, he was the same way. He chatted the entire time. I found myself doing very little talking and lots and lots of listening. I absolutely loved it.
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Date night with this handsome fella...
One thing I haven't done in a long time, is take the kids on one-on-one dates. It seems there is never any time, even in the evenings. There's always something we have to be to. I finally came to the conclusion that I'm just going to have to make it work even if it's only for 30 minutes. It's too important not to make a priority. Last week I took Connor, and he talked and talked and talked. It was then that I realized, that I had made a good choice in making it happen.
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Whatcha gonna do when they come for you...
I went into the local grocery store the other day, with Chris and Christian. I left behind my older children, and one of them got a hold of my camera and took about 1000 random photos. When I saw this one Chris and I both agreed that it looked like the paparazzi had come after us. I pictured us in a people magazine for about two seconds but then I came to my senses and remembered that the only thing I'm remotely famous for is having a thousand kids.
Pinewood derby....again.
2 down, one to go. It seems we have been building pinewood derby cars for centuries. Christian is our last boy and has only one more year after this one.
He worked on his car like you wouldn't believe. He was constantly sanding it, and even painted most of it himself. It was so cool seeing he and Chris work together.
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Makeovers in the morning...
Actually not in the just sounded good. The girls LOVE when I do makeovers on them. This is a rarity in our home because if I do it once, they want me to do it every day...and that's just not going to happen. Even the boys like to watch them get transformed. You can tell we sometimes get bored when Chris is at work. We have to get creative around here sometimes.

Saturday, January 18, 2014
When I was a teenager I used to go with my sisters to church dances. I looked forward to these, like you wouldn't believe. My sweet halee bug headed out tonight with friends from our church to a church dance...just like I used to. I loved watching her get ready and be excited like I once was. I can't believe how time flies. I love that I get to live those wonderful years all over again through my own children.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Tomato sandwiches, made with love...
I remember when my sister April was in first grade, I used to stay home. It was just my mom and me. My mom would sit us down at lunchtime and feed myself and her mayo and tomato sandwiches. I can still remember sitting at the table watching her eat...just her and I. The memories are vague yet vivid. April would show up in the afternoon and be fed a large dill pickle which she would eat while she lay down on our piano bench in front of the television. Why she didn't sit on a comfy couch, I have no idea. I will have to ask her that sometime.
Even though Scarlett is in school half day, I still cherish the alone time I have with her, even if it is only for a few hours. Today we went to McDonald's and she ate an ice cream sundae. It made her day, when I told her we would be going for ice cream. I love her and all of my children so so so much. I literally treasure every second of every day that I have the privilege of being near them. You wouldn't always know it in my actions, but deep within my soul it's a very true reality.
Saturday, January 4, 2014
When we first moved to our town halee was only four years old. I remember visiting an older couple and halee asked to use their restroom. After halee had been in the bathroom a few minutes the little old lady asked "is there anything you need in there?" Halee replied "I need my privacy."
It is thing that comes from a large family is lack of privacy. All of my kids have complained about it at one time or another. Even Chris and I wonder if we will ever be able to leave anything out without it getting snatched away by curious fingers. Ahhh...but one day I will miss my things going missing, although I'm not so sure the kids will.
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
What did we do new years eve? We have a tradition of taking the kids to a nice restaurant and watching movies until midnight.
Today for New Years we headed to our church and played sardines, basketball, and Chris pushed the kids around the gym on a rolling platform. This is as good as it gets when you live in a tiny town. Good times.
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