So, we had gamenight at our house the other night where a bunch of friends get together for games. My friend had the idea to do a hoola hoop contest. I haven't tried a hoola hoop in I don't even know how many years. I tried it and realized I may just have a hidden talent. I kept it up for one minute at gamenight and everyone said "Ok, ok, we get the picture"..so I put it away. But then later I started asking myself "How long could I keep this thing up?" So, the kids and I decided to turn on some music, turn on a timer and let me hoola away. 5 minutes went by and I got pretty excited. 15 went by and I couldn't believe it. (I don't have very many talents, so you can imagine my excitement." by 20 minutes the kids started asking "can we be done with this?" I of course said no way! And here's the thing...the longer I kept it up the more
invested obsessed I became in the whole thing. Finally at 55 minutes of still going, I told the kids I would stop at one hour. One hour came and I kept to my promise and stopped. I left foot imprints in my carpet and I was sweating like a crazy person. I then said to myself "yes, I have a new talent, but too bad it's completelyand utterly useless in every possible way to me." Oh well...you take what you can get.