One of my all time favorite books about motherhood is titled "I Didn't Plan To Be A Witch." It talks about how this great mother of 8 children didn't expect to be grumpy and witchy, but that sometimes it happens anyway. Excellent book that every mother should read.
I decided that if I were to write a book it would be titled "I didn't plan to be insane." The reason I have chosen this title is because of the playtime circus I have been sucked into the last couple of years by Grace and Scarlett (especially Grace.) They want me to play with them every waking minute. It's either Barbies, or dollies, or ponies or school, or hospital for the babies, or the babies need a home, or the ponies don't have a mom, or bears and stuffed doggies are sick, or rubber duckies are scared. I mean, you name it...they want to play it. Their imaginations are so huge that now they want to play fingers. Yep, you guessed it. The fingers are real people apparently and walk around and talk and have needs just like humans. Now you tell me if this wouldn't drive any mother insane.
I'm living in a fantasy world and have to figure out how to escape. Keep me in your prayers.