One thing I have learned about living in a historic home is that I could never put a price on the sentimental value I have received since moving here. I like to imagine who lived here and what their life stories were. How they dressed, what they cooked, how they celebrated the Holidays. I think about this so much. Scarlett loves the old key locks that are original from 1908. She'll try to get a key in these for 20 minutes at a time, and I am not exaggerating. The kids also like to peek through to see what's on the other side. And in case you're wondering, the bedrooms and bathrooms are taped off with a piece of black tape. I hope that occurred to them way back then too. I would love to know everything they did way back when. For now I'll continue to wonder.
Friday, December 17, 2010
One thing I have learned about living in a historic home is that I could never put a price on the sentimental value I have received since moving here. I like to imagine who lived here and what their life stories were. How they dressed, what they cooked, how they celebrated the Holidays. I think about this so much. Scarlett loves the old key locks that are original from 1908. She'll try to get a key in these for 20 minutes at a time, and I am not exaggerating. The kids also like to peek through to see what's on the other side. And in case you're wondering, the bedrooms and bathrooms are taped off with a piece of black tape. I hope that occurred to them way back then too. I would love to know everything they did way back when. For now I'll continue to wonder.
Devoted Dad...
One of Chris' favorite things to do with the kids, is lay there and let them climb all over him. This has a payoff for him, he doesn't have to wrestle on the floor. He doesn't have to run after them in chase. He doesn't have to stand or do much of anything at all. He literally just lays there and they pounce on him and he just laughs and takes it. This is a game I see absolutely no point in, and I personally would never in a million years want to be jumped on, but they love it, and he loves it, so guess I love it for them.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Grace is funny...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
We've all been asked the age old question "If you could be any animal, what would you be?" Well, I never thought I'd say it, but I think I would be rat. A drowned rat that is. I officially received the title Saturday when I went for an 8 1/2 mile run with my two running partners. It wasn't raining too much when we left but 5 minutes into the run, it was pouring and continued to do so for the entire run. All I was wearing was a thin white shirt for a top. I was literally shivering from head to toe. Boy did I learn a lesson. Thankfully 6 miles into the run, we passed a friends house who graciously let me borrow her sweatshirt, which helped immensely. Being sick with a horrid cold didn't help matters. Okay, so then I ran again by myself today, and what happened? Yep, drowned rat...again. And then I'm going to be running again tonight, and what do I see out my window as I type this? Pouring rain. I have never been so angry at rain in my life. Why do I live in Oregon?

Monday, December 13, 2010
Christmas Game Night
I feel so lucky to have so many awesome friends. Each month we get together and have "Game Night" where we just eat, play games and most importantly, leave kids at home. It's a time where I always end up feeling like a teenager again. It's also a time where I laugh so hard my cheeks hurt. Never fails. Christmas game night was at our home Saturday night. We had a couple come that are non LDS and we played a game where they had to guess which spouse belonged with who. After they visited with everyone for about 15 minutes they got to guess, and guess how many they got right?? ONE. One and only one. The 2ND time they did much better and within a short time they figured everyone out. We laughed so hard at who got put with who. Below are a few pics of who was wrongfully placed together. I guess if you didn't know them, you might think they belong together, but since I know them, it's just plain weird.
We also did a sweater exchange, and whichever sweater you got stuck with, you had to wear to church the next day. I actually lucked out big time this year, but poor Chris became a care bear. And what a cute care bear he made.
It was a blast and I look forward to many more years of good times with these awesome friends of ours.

We also did a sweater exchange, and whichever sweater you got stuck with, you had to wear to church the next day. I actually lucked out big time this year, but poor Chris became a care bear. And what a cute care bear he made.
It was a blast and I look forward to many more years of good times with these awesome friends of ours.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Turning 33
I have to say that Chris did well this time. He got me a whole family of Willow figurines to represent he and I and our 6 children. He did a remarkable job picking ones that actually reminded me of each of my children. I only posted the one he chose for he and I because I'm just too lazy to post all of them right now. But, I am so grateful for this gift. I am not really all that sentimental, and I probably would have told him to not buy me something like this, but once I saw them, I just felt so warm looking at them and mostly pondering what they represent to me.
I'm actually okay with turning 33. I had more crows feet creep up on me this past year. This runs in my family, and I told my mom today that I'm happy about my crows feet because it reminds me of where I came from. We'll see if I like them as much in 10 more years. But for now, I'm just thankful to be alive and to have so many blessings pouring out on me daily. I couldn't be a happier girl.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Who is your hero?

Since we moved into our home, I have been looking for something uplifting that I could put in the kids' rooms. Not just plain random pictures, but something that would remind them of how great and wonderful they are, and also something that would remind them of who they are, and how important it is to be strong. I found a website online that sells posters called Real Hero Posters. I knew I had found exactly what I was in search for when I found this site. I pulled each of the kids in and they each picked a poster or hero if you will. These posters aren't little. They are so big and awesome. Each of the posters contain a question across the bottom that asks "Who Is Your Hero?" I won't go through the list of all the ones they each chose, but I did want to share the one Connor and Christian chose. They picked Samuel The Lamanite. They love this story because it's about Samuel from The Book Of Mormon who preached repentance but was not being heard or understood. He was brave despite the fact that people who didn't like what he had to say, were throwing arrows at him and trying to kill him. The Lord protected him and not one arrow penetrated him. It's an amazing story of faith. Each night as I say goodnight to my dear children, Connor asks every single night if I can leave the light on just long enough for him to read the story that is located on the bottom portion of the poster. And every night with out fail I say "Of course."
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Santa Baby
I am a crazy for Christmas kind of person. I absolutely and positively love the Christmas season. We usually pull out the Christmas music the day before Thanksgiving. We have been listening to it not stop. It makes me so cheery! The girls wanted to dress up and wear their white church shoes, and sing to "Santa Baby." This went on for quite some time today. I'm starting to really get sick of Santa Baby...but seeing a few toddlers sing to it makes it worth it. By the way, I learned that according to Grace, a blush brush makes an excellent microphone.

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